Monday, September 26, 2011

SharePoint ShopTalk Highlight: Control the Center of SharePoint Announcements

SharePoint ShopTalk is a live, dynamic discussion held weekly amongst SharePoint Professionals. It is an excellent source for users who need to discuss challenges or are looking for answers to pressing contemporary SharePoint questions. All are welcome to take advantage of this forum that features leading experts in the field.

This installment features Panelist Laura Rogers presents "How to Control the Center of SharePoint Announcements:
The Birmingham SharePoint user group site is a WSS site, so there is no publishing feature. Each month, it was taking a while to format the announcement of the next topic and speaker, with all of the correct HTML and colors in the announcement body. I created an "event creation" workflow that takes some basic information about the next meeting, and formats it into a new SharePoint announcement, with all of the proper colors and fonts automatically. This has saved time and kept us with a standard for the way new meetings look. I'll be demonstrating this list and workflow. This concept can be done in any version of SharePoint (2007 and up) and in Office 365.